Funny Bumper Stickers
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Funny Bumper Stickers

Looking for a cool bumper sticker to put on your car? What could be cooler than a funny bumper sticker? Why not inspire smiles in your fellow roadsters with a humorous bumper sticker? A tried and true approach is to have a bumper sticker with a quote or a bumper sticker with a saying, from a movie, book, or song. The quote might be humorously incorrect, such as the Hendrix line, "Excuse me while I kiss the sky," oft misheard as, "Excuse me while I kiss this guy." Ha!

Other funny bumper stickers include redneck bumper stickers, free funny bumper stickers, novelty bumper stickers, offensive bumper stickers/rude bumper stickers, and, in my opinion anyway, blank bumper stickers.